How Much Are People Actually Working Remotely?


Remote work has really revolutionised the way we work, especially in the last couple of years. The global pandemic catapulted remote work into the spotlight, transforming living rooms into offices and virtual meetings into the new norm. However, with all the rapid changes there’s an big question that often goes unasked: just how much are people actually working when working remotely?

The rise of remote work

The concept of remote work isn’t new, but after the pandemic it has become integrated into our professional lives and suddenly organisations across the globe have had to adapt to a hybrid workforce to ensure that business continues to run smoothly. As a result, organisations and employees alike have had to navigate the challenges and benefits that can come with remote work on an unprecedented scale. We know that the transition wasn’t without its challenges, but it seems to have highlighted the resilience and adaptability of both employees and organisations.

While remote work became a necessity, many found themselves pondering if it can be a long term solution. Some individuals have relished in the flexibility and work-life balance it offered, while others missed the camaraderie of the office environment. It seems like preferences are varied amongst both organisations and employees, leading to an ongoing debate about the ideal work arrangement.

What people prefer and the home-working statistics

Throughout the pandemic, there was a lot of speculation about how remote work impacts productivity and employee satisfaction, and according to home working statistics from the Ifo (Institute for Economic Research), people work from home an average of 0.9 days per week. However, when considering English-speaking countries, this average rose to 1.4 days. The breakdown by country reveals that in the UK, the average was 1.5 days of remote work per week, while Canada recorded 1.7 days, the US 1.4 days, Australia 1.3 days, New Zealand 1.0 days, and South Africa and Singapore both at 0.9 days.

What does this mean? Decoding the statistics

These statistics suggest that while remote work is indeed a prevalent practice, it’s not an all-encompassing replacement for traditional in-office work. Despite the flexibility and convenience it offers, most individuals still find value in face-to-face interactions and the collaborative atmosphere of the office. The increased frequency of remote work in English-speaking countries could be attributed to technology jobs that are more amenable to remote arrangements.

Implications for organisations and individuals

For organisations, these findings imply that a hybrid approach to work might be the most effective way forward. They need to recognise the importance of in-person interactions while allowing flexibility which can strike a balance between productivity and employee satisfaction. Organisations need to acknowledge that remote work isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution and that individual preferences and job roles play a significant role in determining its feasibility.

Managing remote work employees: strategies for success

When it comes down to it effective management of remote work employees is essential for maintaining productivity and ensuring the well-being of the workforce. When people aren’t in the office each day, it can be hard to know what they’re working on, if they’re struggling or even just if they need a helping hand. So, communication is key – regular check-ins, virtual team meetings, and transparent goal-setting can keep everyone aligned. Providing the right tools and resources for remote collaboration is equally crucial. Additionally, fostering a culture of trust and autonomy can empower employees to deliver their best even when working remotely, as well as make them feel comfortable to come to you when they need you.


As we navigate the evolving landscape of work, it’s evident that remote work is here to stay, but not as the exclusive mode of operation. The statistics surrounding remote work offer valuable insights into the preferences of employees across different countries. Striking a balance between remote work and in-person collaboration will likely be the best result for both organisations and individuals. In the end, it’s the adaptability to be flexiable and make sure you’re doing what works best for everyone involved.
