Ukraine: Public Holiday Changes

In July 2023, the Ukrainian government passed new legislation shifting the dates of several public holidays. The new arrangements are: Christmas Day will be on December 25th only. January 7th will be a regular working day. The Day of Ukrainian Statehood is moved from July 28th to July 15th. The Day of the Defenders of […]
France: Pension Reform

France’s pension reform kicked in in September of this year despite widespread protests. This means some changes to the way people retire in France, and it’s important for organisations and people to know what to expect. What is the change? Before the reform, the legal retirement age in France was 62. This means that people […]
Kenya: Affordable Housing Levy

With housing costs ever increasing around the globe, affordable housing is essential for every Kenyan citizen today and to help alleviate the pressure of dramatically increasing housing costs in Kenya’s urban areas, employees and employers will pay a mandatory levy to finance the construction of affordable housing. The Treasury has come up with a plan […]
Australia: Increases to High-Income Threshold and Compensation Cap

There’s a big change that has recently come into effect in Australia. As of July 1, 2023 income thresholds and compensation caps have increased, leaving a substantial impact on high-income earners across the nation. We’re going to delve into the intricacies of the recent adjustments, exploring the broader consequences on both individuals and businesses. So, […]
Denmark: Abolishment of Great Prayer Day Public Holiday

A significant transformation is on the horizon for Denmark, and it’s causing quite a stir. Recent legislative changes mean that as of January 1, 2024, the long-celebrated Great Prayer Day will no longer be a public holiday. So what does this mean for businesses, employees and the future of public holidays in Denmark? What happens […]
Germany: Draft Bill on the Recording of Working Time

We want to keep you informed about the draft bill of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs from 18 April 2023, that outlines employer’s obligations to record the working time of their employees. This draft bill aims to implement the requirements of the rulings of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) of 14 […]
EU: Changes to Gender Pay Gap Reporting

Did you know that Women in the EU earn on average 13% less than their male counterparts? The gender pay gap has largely stagnated over the last decade. There are a number of things which contribute to the gender pay gap, however, pay discrimination has been identified as one of the key obstacles. Unequal pay […]
An Overview of European Employment Law

European employment law works differently from other parts of the world. This is especially true for businesses headquartered or operating in the USA. So, if you are looking to grow or establish your business in Europe there are specific things you’ll need to be aware of! So, let’s examine HR and payroll in the European […]
Singapore: Changes to Mandatory Medical Insurance for Work Permit and S Pass Holders

If you’re an employer in Singapore, listen up! Singapore’s Ministry of Manpower (MOM) has announced enhancements to the mandatory medical insurance (MI) for all Work Permit and S Pass holders starting 1 July 2023. The enhancements are aimed at better protecting employers in the event of large medical bills incurred by their foreign employees. Currently, […]
Poland Officially Establishes Remote Working Rights

The Polish government has introduced new legislation on remote working that was first introduced in 2022 but has recently been adopted as of 30 January 2023. Like many other countries around the globe, the COVID-19 pandemic caused Poland’s workforce to shift to remote working. And according to a recent study, almost 40% of people feel […]